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Mar 29 - 10:55 AM

Goldman: USD/CNY Outlook Remains Range-Bound Amid Yuan's Recent Volatility

By eFXdata  —  Mar 29 - 09:30 AM


Goldman Sachs discusses the recent volatility in the USD/CNY exchange rate, which saw the Yuan depreciating beyond key levels. Despite this movement and continued dollar strength, Goldman does not anticipate a shift in the People's Bank of China's (PBOC) stance towards using currency depreciation as a tool to counter economic downturns. The analysis suggests a range-bound outlook for USD/CNY, influenced by balanced factors of competitive Chinese exports and efforts to manage capital outflow pressures.

Key Points:

  • Recent Yuan Volatility: The USD/CNY pair experienced a sharp rise above the 7.20 level, influenced by broader dollar strength and adjustments in currency management by the PBOC, differing from the stable fixing observed last fall.
  • PBOC's Stance on Yuan: Goldman Sachs argues that the recent movements do not indicate a strategic change by the PBOC towards embracing a weaker Yuan to mitigate economic challenges, citing the current competitive pricing of Chinese goods in international markets.
  • Economic Considerations: The rationale for a depreciated RMB to stimulate exports is deemed weak given China's current competitive advantage. Conversely, elevated capital outflow pressures necessitate careful management to prevent a self-reinforcing depreciation spiral.
  • Range-Bound Outlook: The analysis concludes that, given these dynamics, the USD/CNY exchange rate is expected to remain within a defined range, with policymakers balancing export competitiveness against capital flight risks.


Goldman Sachs's assessment of the USD/CNY dynamics suggests that despite recent fluctuations and ongoing dollar strength, significant shifts in the PBOC's currency policy are unlikely. The need to maintain competitive export pricing while managing capital outflows will likely result in a range-bound trading environment for the Yuan. Investors and market watchers are advised to anticipate stability in USD/CNY rates, barring unforeseen changes in economic conditions or policy adjustments.

Goldman Sachs Research/Market Commentary


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